Monday, March 7, 2016

Running in the jungle

Once there was a man who was made out of squares and rectangles. His name was The Beast. He decided to leave the plains and his house for an adventure. He knew the was a jungle around so he set off to find it. After 10 days he finally found the big jungle he went around the place and found this huuuugggeee tree🌲 and noticed that there were some vines around the tree he decided to climb the tree after 5 minutes he got to the top. He was in the clouds! And he could see heaps of smaller trees. He went back down and had a look around for the trees they were all gone! "Where did they go!?" He went back AGAIN and sore the trees "what" and he went back again and had a look at the top they were there but they were in mid air. He fainted. After 2 hoppers he woke up.

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